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Beige fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Black fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Turquoise fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
Black fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Black fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Turquoise fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
Turquoise fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Black fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Turquoise fabric espadrilles with jute wedge
Suede blue sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede blue sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede beige sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede brown sandal with jute wedge
Suede beige sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede blue sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede beige sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede brown sandal with jute wedge
Suede brown sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede blue sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede beige sandal with jute wedge
  • Suede brown sandal with jute wedge
Beige soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Brown soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Silver soft espadrilles with jute wedge
Brown soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Brown soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Silver soft espadrilles with jute wedge
Silver soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Brown soft espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Silver soft espadrilles with jute wedge
Nude sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Nude sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Brown sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Gold sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Silver sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
Silver sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Nude sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Brown sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Gold sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Silver sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
Gold sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Nude sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Brown sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Gold sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Silver sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
Brown sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Nude sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Brown sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Gold sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
  • Silver sandals in soft coco material and jude wedge
Beige suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Navy suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Camel suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Grey suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Pink suede espadrilles with jute wedge
Camel suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Navy suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Camel suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Grey suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Pink suede espadrilles with jute wedge
Grey suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Navy suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Beige suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Camel suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Grey suede espadrilles with jute wedge
  • Pink suede espadrilles with jute wedge

At Andypola, we manufacture shoes in large and small sizes for you. Wedges, flats, heeled shoes, sandals etc... There is a type of footwear for every woman and in Andypola we make them all, but in special sizes. We have a wide model collection, so you will always be able to find the ones that fit your needs.

But ... Why would you have to buy your women's shoes in Andypola?

Andypola is the leading brand in Europe in the manufacture of special size shoes for women. We take care of every detail throughout every process, which is why we can offer you the best quality in all our products. We have a very broad catalog of models so that, whatever your style may be, you will always find the special size shoes that you were looking for. In addition, you could order your shoes today and receive them comfortably at home in approximately 24h. Do not wait for any longer!

Further to casual shoes and dress shoes, do you wish to be comfortable at home? Try out the Andypola women's home slippers and you will notice the difference. Top quality materials so that your feet can rest as never before as soon as you get home.

You are a woman and you are looking for nice shoes in special sizes, but you can never find the shoes that you like ...

Elegance and comfort come together and offer you our women's shoes in special sizes. Think about what touch you may want to give to your look and then, choose your shoes from our catalog. At Andypola, we pay a lot of attention to the design and the latest trends in fashion, so that you can enjoy and show off your special size shoes to the maximum. Whether you may need footwear for daily use or a special occasion, you will easily find it in our online store.

Are you looking for some boots or ankle boots to keep your feet warm? Or something more special, like bridal shoes in order to enjoy an unforgettable wedding? You can find both in our online store.

And if your husband, boyfriend or friend also had feet which required special sizes... Andypola can be your store too! We also have men shoes available.

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