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Heeled loafer in black suede material
  • Heeled loafer in camel suede material
  • Heeled loafer in grey suede material
  • Heeled loafer in black suede material
44,90 64,90
Heeled loafer in camel suede material
  • Heeled loafer in camel suede material
  • Heeled loafer in grey suede material
  • Heeled loafer in black suede material
44,90 64,90
Heeled loafer in grey suede material
  • Heeled loafer in camel suede material
  • Heeled loafer in grey suede material
  • Heeled loafer in black suede material
44,90 64,90
Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather
34,90 54,90
Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather
Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather
Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather
34,90 54,90
Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather
Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Beige faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Cream faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Mustard faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Black faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Red faux Leather
  • Stilettos in Brick-Red faux Leather

Choosing the right footwear is crucial for the health and well-being of your feet, especially if you have wide feet. Incorrect shoes can cause discomfort, pain, and even long-term problems. At Andypola, we understand the importance of offering options that meet everyone's needs. In this article, we will explain which shoes to wear if you have wide feet, how to identify wide-fit shoes on our website, and introduce our selection of the best wide-fit shoes. Discover how you can combine style and comfort without compromise!

Which shoes should I wear if I have wide feet?

If you have wide feet, it is essential to choose shoes that fit well to avoid discomfort and health problems. Opt for wide-fit shoes, specifically designed to offer more space and comfort. These shoes usually have a wider last than standard shoes, providing the necessary space for your feet to feel comfortable all day. Additionally, look for flexible and breathable materials that adapt to the shape of your foot without causing chafing or excessive pressure. At Andypola, we also offer a wide range of small size women's shoes, large size sandals, and large size women's heels, ensuring you find the perfect footwear for any occasion.

How to know if a shoe is wide-fit?

On our website, we identify wide-fit shoes with the "wide fit" seal. This seal guarantees that the shoe has been designed with a wider last, offering the necessary space for your feet to feel comfortable and pressure-free. In addition to looking for this seal, you can review the product descriptions, where we specify the characteristics of each shoe, including its width. Trying on the shoes and ensuring there is enough space in the front and that you do not feel pressure on the sides of your foot is also essential to confirm a good fit. Our collection also includes small size shoes, large size sandals, and large size women's heels, all designed with comfort and style in mind.

The best wide-fit shoes are at Andypola

At Andypola, you will find a wide selection of wide-fit shoes designed to combine style and comfort. Each pair of shoes is made with a wider last than normal, ideal for women with wide and delicate feet. The Andypola collection includes various styles, from elegant dress shoes to comfortable casual shoes, all designed to offer a perfect fit without sacrificing style. Additionally, we offer small size shoes, large size sandals, and large size women's heels, ensuring every woman finds the perfect footwear for her needs. Visit Andypola and discover the best wide-fit shoes that meet your needs and allow you to walk with comfort and confidence.

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